



test spot



What is Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Reduction is a process that uses a specific wavelength of laser light energy to destroy the follicles ability to regrow hair.



 We treat Skin Types 1-4 for Laser Hair Removal.

Is It Painful?

Everyones tolerance level is unique. We would be happy to perform a test spot on you so you will know what to expect and can relax during your treatment. We have our clients control the Zimmer, our amazing cooling device, so they are completely comfortable during their treatment.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

Typically a series of 6 – 8 treatments are needed. The best results are achieved when hair is in an active growing phase, however, only a portion of hairs are in this phase at a time.

How Often Do I Come In For Treatments?

For smaller areas (face, underarms, bikini), treatments are scheduled every 4 – 6 weeks.

For larger areas (legs, arms, backs), treatments are scheduled every 8 – 10 weeks.

What Do I Do Before My First Appointment?

Stay out of the sun and only shave the area to be treated. NO PLUCKING, THREADING, OR WAXING! Those days are over! Post care instructions will be given to you on your first appointment.


Before and After

Bikini Area

Gentleman’s Neck





Unibrow  $50

Upper Lip $120

Side Burns  $120



Chin  $120

Beard  $300

Neck (front or back)  $160




(Regular per treatment price)



Bikini Line  $190

Extended Bikini Line  $260

Brazilian  $395


(Regular per treatment price)



Upper Legs  $450

Lower Legs  $450

Full Legs  $850

Feet & Toes  $130



(Regular per treatment price)

Back & Shoulders


Shoulders  $240

Upper Back  $460

Full Back  $550

Lower Back  $340



(Regular per treatment price)



Underarms  $180

Lower or Upper Arms  $240

Full Arms  $360



(Regular per treatment price)

Chest & Abdomen


Chest  $300

Abdomen  $300




(Regular per treatment price)